Work with OHSL

We live in an era of seemingly endless possibilities. The advent of high performance computing allow us to do so much more – from sifting through the almost infinite combinations of chemical structures to tracking the movement of goods around the world. We have computers that can engage in conversations and can assist you when you are in the doctor’s office, the operating room, or in a meeting with scientific collaborators around the world.

My Interest in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

Researching Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) wasn’t exactly what I had written as my dream job when I was in the second grade, but ten years later, I was excited to make it the center of my first internship project. When I was sixteen, I was diagnosed with POTS following a concussion and several months of symptoms include headache, nausea, and vision problems that the doctors realized were separate from the concussion. Before this happened, I was playing multiple sports, doing well in school, and considering a career in engineering. I was content and not at all interested in a medical career or in conducting research. However, during the painful months that followed the concussion, I could barely put one foot in front of the other and tolerate the intense pain and other symptoms that choked my senses. I stopped thinking about engineering and spent my energy on going to doctor’s offices, attending physical therapy several times a week, and trying several medicinal and non-medicinal ways of improving my symptoms. I did not feel like myself at all, but I did latch onto one thing- the information I was able to gain through exposure to the medical world. 
29 Oct, 2017

ICTBioMed NCIP Science Gateway: A Hub for Collaborative Cancer Research

Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide according to the World Health Organization [1] and it imposes a big challenge for the researchers and the scientific community. Complex problems like cancer cannot be solved by a single research institute by using traditional methods. The fight against cancer requires the collaborative efforts of multidisciplinary institutes and research labs across the countries. The collaborative efforts should be augmented with the support of high- performance computing and databases by providing a common platform for integrated research.

24 Sep, 2017

OHSL Supports World Cancer Research Day

World Cancer Research Day is September 24, 2017 and OHSL has joined with over 100 organizations and nearly 10,000 individuals to support this important day.

The World Cancer Research Day aims to create and consolidate a yearly momentum to raise awareness and commitment for research on cancer in order to increase survival of cancer patients, to facilitate access to scientific advances worldwide and to reduce the global burden of cancer.
